Newborn Session Preparation
Hi! I’ve prepared this newborn session preparation to help you prepare for your upcoming session.
I’m so excited to meet you soon and photograph your new baby!
Following these guidelines will really help you have the best session possible.
Address Information
The address to my home studio is:
37 Hamilton Street
Lindsay, ON
K9V 3E4
The following is a Google maps link to my location:
Google Maps Link to Chandra Lee Photography in LINDSAY
Please park in the driveway when you arrive.
Please note: I am working on having Google update the address from Bowmanville. I am now located in Lindsay at the address above.
It is a good idea to bring snacks and refreshments as we are together for about 3-4 hours.
Preparing Your Baby for the Newborn Session
Following these suggestions will help make your newborn session as successful as possible.
1. Try to keep baby awake for an hour or two before you leave for your session (giving baby a bath will help with this and is usually soothing for baby), this will help your baby sleep longer for the session. Bathing baby prior to your session and applying lotion after baby’s bath also helps to remove flaky skin.
2. Feed baby fully prior to leaving. If you are nursing, nurse fully from one side for as long as possible and then offer the other side to baby. Using a cool wash cloth with help wake baby if baby falls asleep on the first side. Baby may then nurse for a bit longer on the other side.
3. Dress baby in a zip up or button up sleeper with no undershirt underneath. Dressing baby this way makes it easier to undress baby without waking baby. The car ride will usually put baby into a deep sleep and we can start right away upon your arrival.
Feeding Baby
If you are nursing, we take breaks for nursing whenever needed. If you are bottle feeding, please bring more bottles than you think you will need.
Clothing Choices for Family Images
Please bring a black t-shirt or long sleeve black shirt for Dad for a baby in daddy’s hands picture.
It is always best to choose something simple and classic to wear for family portraits. A short sleeve or long sleeved dress shirt for dad, golf shirt or simple t-shirt. Mom can wear a nice blouse, tank top or sleeveless shirt. If you are comfortable with bare arms, I love this look while holding your newborn baby. Black shirts with a black background is a nice choice or white shirts on a white background. White shirts on a black background will also work; however, there is a lot of contrast with white shirts on a black background. If you would like to see samples, you can view my Instagram page or just ask me to see samples and I am happy to show you.
Avoid clothing choices with busy patterns or logos. Simple and classic is always best.
Helpful tip – iron all clothing and shirts that you are bringing with you to wear for your session. Wrinkles in shirts are not something that can be removed later in Photoshop.
Environment for Your Newborn Session
The temperature is kept warm so your baby is nice and cozy during the session. The temperature is between 80 – 85 degrees. Please dress lightly so you will be more comfortable throughout your session.
I will also be washing my hands frequently and using hand sanitizer frequently throughout your session.
You can sit back and relax while I take beautiful photos of your baby.
I hope you found this newborn session preparation helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Thank you,
To see more of my newborn work, please visit the newborn gallery.
To enter our cutest baby photography contest now underway, please visit the following link:
Cutest Baby Photography Contest