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Styled Baby Sessions

Styled baby sessions are available at Chandra Lee Photography.

Sessions take place when your baby is between 4 and 12 months.

Sessions are 45 – 60 minutes in length.

This is a perfect way to capture your baby’s adorable rolls and toothless gummy smiles before they are gone.

All sessions are styled with beautiful backgrounds and accessories.

We have a large selection of cute props available for your baby including little posing beds, child size chairs, baskets and more.

All outfits are provided for your shoot as well as accessories including floral halos, headbands and tiaras.

Styled baby sessions are $399 and include 20 digital images provided by digital download and a permission to print letter.

You receive a password protected viewing gallery within two weeks of your session including 25-30 image proofs to choose from.

Styled baby sessions are for baby only. Please inquire if you are interested in family photo sessions.

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37 Hamilton Street

Lindsay, ON

K9V 3E4





Chandra Lee is a newborn and maternity photographer located in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada also serving the following areas:


Toronto | GTA | Durham Region | Oshawa | Whitby | Ajax | Pickering | Newcastle | Cobourg | Peterborough | Kawartha Lakes